An Old Friend Got a Cheap Web Hosting - iCONCEPT Web and Graphic Design

Yesterday a college friend called me asking if I could recommend any good web hosting company. She told me she inquired in a local web firm called Webf***s, but complained that their price costs an arm and a leg, P6,500 for 500MB hosting with 40 email accounts.

She sounded unbelieving when I told her I can give her a one year hosting deal for only P1,800 and generic Top Level Domain registration (gTLD) for P550.00 only. She was surprised when I said I'm managing a website design company. And it shocked her how cheap we can actually offer our hosting but then I said that hosting are really cheap nowadays.

One can actually get a hosting package at an even lower price. One need to be cautious though about Acceptable Usage Policy. Some are offering huge disk space and virtually unlimited bandwidth but doesn't tell you about their AUP such as Max CPU usage, Max Database Queries among others. I know someone who got the shock of his life when his website was suspended and when he inquired what caused the problem, he was told he reached the maximum database queries aloted. It's like you bought an iPhone only to tell you that you are only allowed to use Voice Call and Text messaging.

Anyway, going back to my friend, we weren't able to get her preferred because it was already registered, even the usual second option which is .net was already taken. So I said, you can go for or since she's in the events production business but she opted to go for my recommendation which is .PH domain costs higher than gTLD though.

Here's how much she paid,

.ph Domain Registration plus Setup P3,900 for 2 years
500MB Hosting unlimited email P1,800 per years
Total P5,700 only

I'm sure you recognized how much she was able to save. She got a .PH domain plus a web hosting with more features and unlimited email accounts at a price cheaper than what she would have paid for the same 500MB hosting alone with limited email accounts.

Assuming we were able to register instead of, she would have paid only P2,350.00 since a .com domain costs only P550. That's more than half the price of what the other hosting company was offering.


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